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lymphoid follicle中文是什么意思

用"lymphoid follicle"造句"lymphoid follicle"怎么读"lymphoid follicle" in a sentence


  • 淋巴滤泡
  • 淋巴样滤泡


  • This pattern of malignant lymphoma is diffuse and no lymphoid follicles are identified
  • Beneath the capsule is the paracortical zone with lymphoid follicles having a pale germinal center in which the immune responses are often generated
  • The results showed that , at 12 48 hrs post infection , the bursal epithelial cells bore swollen and necrotic shape . the lymphoid cells in the medulla and cortex of lymphoid follicles had various degrees of degeneration and necrosis . the lymphoid follicles showed glandular structures or cystic vacuoles owing to the prolifetation of bursal epithelium and lymphocyte depletion . lymphoid follicles from bursa at 72 144 hrs post inoculation became atropy . marked proliferation of interfollicular and interstitial connective tissue was present
    结果表明,病毒感染后12 48小时,雏鸡法氏囊粘膜上皮细胞肿胀、坏死脱落,淋巴滤泡髓质部及皮质部淋巴细胞不同程度变性、坏死、排空,形成腺管样结构或囊状空泡,接毒后72 144小时,法氏囊淋巴滤泡淋巴细胞坏死排空,淋巴滤泡萎缩,网状结缔组织大量增生,而胚胎发育时期,法氏囊粘膜上皮肿胀变性,法氏囊淋巴滤泡形成延迟或不完整,淋巴滤泡内淋巴细胞缺乏或空虚。
  • At 12 week after inoculation , lymphoid follicles were especially conspicuous in the submucosa , and they were also found in the deep portion of the mucosa . at 24 week after inoculation infected mongolian gerbils could be found gastric ulcer , which often located near the transitional zone and their depth reached to the muscularis propria . in our study , we could not found intestinal metaplasis , atypical hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma
    Pylori灌喂之后各个时期的蒙古沙土鼠的胃组织学研究之后发现,在感染的8周即可见到慢性炎症性病变,而12周粘膜层和粘膜下层出现淋巴滤泡, 24周胃窦部可见到胃溃疡,但住我们的实验中并未发现有文献报道的肠化生、胃腺癌等进一步的病变。
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